Serve Your Community


Love Out Loud’s goal in the community is to connect and mobilize people and their resources in the city, and BASE helps us do that much more effectively by helping more individuals and groups get plugged into organizations serving passionately towards a variety of CAUSES in our community.

BASE allows agencies to have a profile where you can post volunteer opportunities and events and tag them by the CAUSES your organization works in and the SKILLS/INTERESTS that align with your opportunities. 

Users, individuals looking to engage and volunteer, also have profiles on the site where they designate the CAUSES they’re passionate about and the ways they like to serve (SKILLS/INTERESTS).

BASE has intuitive features that allow opportunities and events to be filtered for the volunteers based on what they’re interested in and passionate about, when they want to serve and who they want to serve with, and helps curate a “one-stop-shop” for individuals that aren’t sure what their FIT is (or where to find it!).

The platform was launched in 2019 and is now a hub of 5,000+ volunteers and 290+ organizations!


If you have any questions about the platform or need help navigating it, please feel free to reach out by email or call the office (336.747.3067)